
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Christmas Werewolves with Benito Cereno
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Christmas werewolves are a thing. I mean, I don't know if they're REAL real. But people really used to believe they were a thing. So Christmas expert Benito Cereno fills us in on their history
Benito's been on the show before, talking about Christmas comics and the Yule Lads.
Links mentioned in the show:
- Benito's werewolf Christmas story, "Two Gifts"
- Benito's YouTube channel
- Apocrypals podcast
- Benito's site
- Bone & Sickle Podcast (episode 30: Loup-Garou, Werewolves in France)
Music this episode:
- "Werewolf Christmas" by Timur and the Dime Museum
- "Werewolf in Christmas Past" by Max Dimartino, Lee Lacey
- "Meido Krampus Noche" by The Courtesan and the Cabin Boy
And check out the Merry Britsmas podcast for all your British Christmas needs!
If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Halloween Postcard Collecting with Eric Hinton
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
The first podcast episode of the 2020 {shiver} season. We do a bit of deep diving into the world of Halloween postcard collecting which, if you follow me on social media, you know is a small obsession of mine. Eric Hinton runs Halloween Postcards and has collected all, yes, ALL of the Halloween postcards printed before World War 2. We wander around some of the stranger examples and figure out what goes on in the musty corners of our collector-type-brains.
This episode has a video version as well so you can see the cards we're talking about. Head over to my youtube channel here.
Bumper music:
"Happy Christmahanavaloween" by Melanie
"Horror Flick" by Make Like Monkeys
If you're feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
WC# 25 Christmas and Zen Buddhism, a talk with Brad Warner
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
A talk with Brad Warner, author of the new book Letters to a Dead Friend About Zen. How Buddhism can help calm holiday stress, and just stuff about Brad and Zen in general.

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
WC #24 Medieval Christmas with Misty Schieberle and Scott Smith
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
What do we know about Christmas during the Middle Ages? Turns out it's kinda hard to find very much information. I talk to two medievalists, Misty Schieberle and Scott Smith, who help me trace what few mentions of Christmas there are in the English tradition.

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
The 2019 Weird Christmas ghost story is "The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance" by M. R. James. I also get some help with background on James and Punch and Judy puppet shows (which show up in the story) from Jim Moon of the Hypnogoria Podcast.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
WC #22 Underground Christmas Music with Christmas Underground
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Weird Christmas talks to the indie music blog Christmas Underground about the world of Christmas mixes and how he finds great, unknown Christmas music all year long.

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
WC #21 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction 2019 (Contest results show)
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
The annual Weird Christmas Flash Fiction show with the results of the 2019 contest. Fourteen odd stories of Christmas uncanniness to get you out of that holiday spirit. Find the full text of all the stories along with author bios and their contact info at WeirdChristmas.com.

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
WC #20 Yule Lads and Icelandic Christmas
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Who are the Yule Lads, and why does Iceland have a bunch of trolls instead of Santa Claus? I talk to author Heidi Herman and Christmas expert Benito Cereno about where the legends of the Yule Lads came from and how they're celebrated today. (Next show is the contest results show...almost there!)

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
WC #Bonus Christmas Pickles with the Christmas Podcast Network
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Bonus episode with Brian Earl of Christmas Past, Tim Babb of Can't Wait for Christmas, and Richard Parks III of Richard's Famous Food Podcast. This one's brought to you by the Christmas Podcast Network. We talk about Christmas pickles. Are they a "thing"? Well, that's what the show is about.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
WC #19 (Almost) Unwatchable Christmas Movies with Alonso Duralde
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
I chat with film critic Alonso Duralde about his book Have Yourself a Movie Little Christmas, especially the chapter about the worst Christmas movies ever made. We discuss the Mexican film _Santa Claus_ (1959), the 70's gay bar flick _Some of My Best Friends Are..._, and the inexplicable _Magic Christmas Tree_. Lots of other good suggestions along the way.